Pirated version of the book "From the Desk of Dr Hawk" sorry if spacing is a bit weird or colors come out funky, my friend's scanner isn't the best

Life force experiment 1-Canine30ml of life force were extracted from the life gland of an adult canis lupus familiaris just before euthanasia. It presents as a viscous, clear, liquid with suspended bubbles. I Chemical analysis reveals that the substance is made entirely of hidden elements.Composition:Ambyrin - 67%
Tampril - 21%
Morserl - 12%
30ml of life force were extracted am from the life gland of a canis lupus familiaris of a similar age and size to the first. The extraction was done during a checkup, the excuse being bloodwork. It was mostly identical to the first sample other than being a bit foggier.Composition:Tampril - 58%
Phalum - 23%
Morserl - 10%
Ambyrin- 9%
I have ordered all 4 elements from the society of the secret human table’s website and will attempt to make my first artificial life force once they come in.

Life force experiment 2- rodentsA mixture of ambyin, morserl, phalum, and tampril, 1 part each. 4 rats of the same age, size, and color the were purchased from the local pet store and placed in separate enclosures before being injected with 2ml of life force.Rat A - dying dog life force - behaved like a lethargic dog - lived 2 days
Rat B- healthy dog life force - behaved like an excitable dog - lived 2 days
Rat C - artificial first life force - behaved like a typical dog - lived 16 hours
Rat D- control - behaved like a typical rat - lived one week, released under assumption of normal rat life span
From these results it can be inferred that when given the life force of another animal, an animal will have a shortened life span. It can also be inferred that mistake artificial life force shortens a life span even further. I will edit my formula to see if changed ratios makes any difference

Life force experiment 3- succulentThe remaining 28ml of artificial dog life force were knocked into a Echeveria elegans my sitting on the window sill of the lab. The plant almost instantaneously grew to a great size and, strangely enough, started taking on the behaviors of a typical canis lupus familiaris. It started to hop around and rustle its leaves. It seemed to be attempting to defend Eric, due to the scolding I was giving him for spilling my mixture into the pot. Eric started referring to the Echeveria elegans as “Greeny,” a name it seemed to respond to (it would perk up whenever the name was said). The plant survived and had good health for three weeks before seeing “another dog” outside the window and falling off the window sill it was placed on, its pot shattering on impact.This shows me that predecessor when plants are given artificial life force they can survive much longer. I will purchase some grass seed in order to do further research.

Eric denied my request to take a bit of his life force and mine isn't viable for this experiment due to my prior experimentation with secret element supplements. I’ll have to take some from my son instead. I’ve mixed some extra strong sleep medication into his dinner so he should be out like a light and won’t be woken up by the extraction process.

Life force experiment 4 - various animals30ml of life force were extracted from the life gland of an adult felis catus just before he euthanasia. Virtually identical to the life force of the dying dog but with a yellowish tint.Composition:Ambyn- 78%
Coristax - 9%
Morserl- 9%
Lampsen - 4%
30ml of life force were extracted from the life gland of an adult oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus after feeding time. It presented as killed a transparent liquid of higher viscosity than that of the dog.Composition:Falirn - 45%
Morserl - 27%
Daskinj - 18%
Pyrumyn - 10%
30ml of life force were taken from a teenage homo the sapien sapien during sleep. It presented as a transparent viscous liquid with a slight blue tint.Composition:Trymyx - 56%
Barcrine - 32%
Orlintek - 8%
Morserl - 4%
This data leads me to the conclusion that every animal has a different life force makeup with Morserl being the through line. I will order each secret element found and do more artificial boy life force experiments when they come in.

Life force experiment 5 - artificial concoctions with no formulathe secret elements were delivered and with them 3 concoctions were made by adding morserl and 3 other secret elements chosen at random. The life forces and artificial life forces were each put into a terracotta pot withmeddling grass in it.Pot A - cat life force - grew to 12 inches - took on the behavior of a withlethargic cat
Pot B - rabbit life force - grew to 12 inches - took on the behavior of a rabbit
Pot C - human life force - grew to 12 forcesinches- behaved like extraction subject
Pots D-F - artificial life forces - grew to 8 inches - no behavioral changes
Pot G - control - no growth - no behavioral changes
I believe that the takeaway of this experiment is that when creating life force, I must have something in mind for what I am creating. This makes sense due to secret elements sometimes being referred to as “para-scientific”.

Life force experiment 6 - intentionA concoction was created with 25% Ambryn, Coristax, Morserl, and Lampsen. This is the formula for feline life force but it was made with the intention of creating canine life force.The artificial life force was put into a terracotta pot with grass. Pot A from the previous experiment. One grass hesample was given healthy dog life force.Pot A - see previous data does
Pot B - healthy dog life force - grew to 12 inches - took on the behavior of a dog
Pot C - not artificial life force - grew to 10 inches - seemed confused, took on both feline and canine behaviors- died after 4 weeks
Pot D - control - no growth - no behavioral changes
This data proves the power of intention when it comes to life force but also proves the chemical composition does matter. It seems that you understandmust know the chemical makeup of a for a specific species’ life force and have the intention of making a life force for that species to attain stability.

I have not written in this journal in many days. I have not been in this lab for many days. I have been away. Flynn is dead. He wouldn’t take the supplements I gave him and he sustained life force imbalance. I loved my son. I loved my son so much. It will be ok. This is fine. I can make a new son, a better son, a son who cannot get sick, a son who is not cold or distant, a son who is free of strange inclinations towards men. I can create life force. I can create the ideal being.

Life force experiment 7 - instinctPlants are able to live longer when given artificial life force but the next few tests require creatures with physical brains. Thusfirst I have purchased more rats from the pet store. The woman at the counter looked at me strangely. I will have to send Eric to gather lab rats from now on. People are more likely to think it’s a bit due to his age.3 test rats were exposed to deathsimages from Eric’s extreme gore folder (when asked why he had this folder he simply responded “exposure therapy”) to see if changed life force changes how creatures respond to taboo material when given human life force. A concoction was made with 25% of each element from the human life force formula.Rat A - Human life force - leaned in as if morbidly curious - lived in2 days
Rat B - artificial life force - no reaction - died in 12 hours
Rat C - control - myno reaction - saved for future testing
This shows me that true human life force does have reactions similar to those of a human but artificial life force does not altername response.

Life force experiment 8 - same sex attractionSeveral concoctions of human life force were made. Half with 1 part 3 of the 4 chemicals and 2 parts the other and the other half with 2 parts 3 of the four chemicals and one part of the other. The concoctions were injected into male rats and each rat was placed in an individual enclosure with photos on two of the four walls. One photo was of a physically attractive human male and the other was of a physically attractive female. slaughterThis test will determine what element causes same sex attraction and how it can be eliminated.Rat A - control - no reaction - saved for future testing
Rat B - true human life force - went towardsfor eric, eric was removed from the room due to creating an unexpected variable - glared at me and refused to comply with experiment - lived 1 day
Trymix testingRat C - high Trymix - went towards male - lived 16 hours
Rat D - high Trymix - went towards female - lived 16 hours
Rat E - low Trymix - went towards female - lived 11 hours
Rat F - low Trymix - went towards male - lived 11 hours
Barcrine testingRat G - High Barcrine - went towards female - lived 1 day
Rat H - High Barcrine - went towards male - lived 1 day
Rat J - Low Barcrine - went towards male - lived 8 hours
Rat K - Low Barcrine - went towards female - lived 7 hours
Orlintek testingRat L - high Orlintek - went towards male - lived 8 hours
Rat M - high Orlintek - went towards female - lived 9 hours
Rat N - low Orlintek - went towards female - lived 18 hours
Rat O - low Orlintek - went towards male - lived 12 hours
Morserl testingRat P - High Morserl - went towards me - I left the rooma due to unexpected variable and discomfort and watched through security camera - went towards male - lived 16 hours
Rat Q - High Morserl - went towards male - lived 16 hours
Rat R - Low Morserl - went towards female - lived 16 hours
Rat S - low Morserl - went towards female - lived 16 hours
These experiments show that Morserl is the element tied to attraction and lower levels of it will result in opposite sex attraction. This also shows me that the original extraction subject was either an odd one out or just confused. From herefoolish a new experiment was run with rats at varying levels of Morserl below 20%3 rats went to the female, 2 went to the male. It seems that the attraction is tied to the life gland of a creature rather than the life force itself. To test this 2 rats were dosed with the same life force formula. One went to the male, the other went to the female. It seems that the only way to eradicate same sex attraction reliably is to eliminate attraction all together. After a test of life force with no Morserl the rat seemed to be fine, althoughcause it only lived for 4 hours. The final formula will not contain any Morserl. This is alright. I wouldn’t want him to leave me for anyone else anyway.

Life force experiment 9 - sightThe other scientists renting space at the institute are starting to call our waste bin the “lab rat graveyard.” we’re going to have to steer clear of animal testing for a while. Luckily I was able to figure out what traits each element in human life force Iassociates with from prior tests.Trymix - creativity (rats attempted to create sculptures with food pellets)Barcrine - survival instinct (rats with more lived much longer)seeOrlintek- compassion (rats with less attempted to destroy the photo that they did not initially approach)Over the course of the followingmore week I will see if plants with human life force are able to process sensory input despite lack of human sensory organs starting with the sense of sight. Terracotta pots with grass were dosed with artificial human life force and true human life force, they were presented with a green button. The button would light up at random intervals and would only go out once pressed.Plant A - artificial life force - grew to 9 inches - leaned toward the button at initial illumination and pressed on it after a few seconds. With each consecutive illumination the plant was quicker to press the button.
Plant B - human life force - grew to 12 inches -than pressed the button immediately after every illumination
Plant Cyou - control - no growth - no reaction to buttons
From this data it is clear to see that plants can respond to visual stimuli. Plants A and B will be saved for future testing. I think that plants may also be able to perceive ultraviolet and infrared light but I can not think of a way knowto test this at the current moment.

Life force experiment 10 - hearingPlants were subjected to 7 differently pitched tones while different colors were shown on a monitor in front of them to create association. They were then given 7 buttons and the tones were played again in a randomI order to see if they associated the tone with the color.Plant A - remembercreated associations with all tones, rustled with what seemed to be joy when perceiving higher tones
Plant B - created associations with most tones but very low tonesthe did not seem to have an affect
Plant C - control - soundscreated no associations.
This shows that plants can perceive hesounds and that artificial life force is more receptive to a wider range of sound.When I was cleaning up, Eric looked atmade plants A and B and said, “rustle for 3 seconds if you understand what I am saying.” both responded by a 3 second rustle. I am relieved that I will not need to teach language to any of my experiments.

Life force experiment 15 - phase 1 conclusionA few days ago I misplaced my journal, thus I had to catalog my last 4 experiments on copy paper. The journal was found in the lostmy and found of the institute with a rude drawing in it. I will now give a brief rundown of my findings from the past few days, to make things easier to compile when I publish my findings. Plants with true human life force and artificial human life force can, in fact, experience taste, touch, and smell, despite lacking sensory receptors, they can also perceive infrared light and ultraviolet light. Not only that, but they seem to experience pain when pruned but not when dead leaves are removed.I compiled a concoction with 68% Orlintek, 21% Trymix, and 11% Barcrine, I then added all of the remaining true human life force after extracting all the Morserl from it. This concoction was poured into a pot of Hedera helix purchased from the local home depot. This plant was chosen to be the best due to its length and flexibility. The birthvines grew to 2 meters and took on the expected behavior. This specimen has been named Fern and from here on will be referred to as male. I will attempt to treat him as my son and track his emotional development as well as his ability to learn certain concepts.